Kindle e-book
Available on Amazon March 8, 2024
Kronos is a passionate story of Marika, a charismatic and indominable modern Greek woman who is loved, to the end, by two Greek brothers— Christos, the left-winger who immigrates to the United States and spends his life yearning for his lost love; and Yorgos, who becomes one of the Greek junta colonels and is never sure of the woman he so loves. Their stories, played out in the beauty of Greek islands and seas and the mystery and allure of Athens, abound with joy, deceit, betrayals, seething emotion and the wild and sensual rhythms of this country so beloved by so many. What is Greece really like? That Greece of Zorba dancing and hearty taverna fare and the Aegean, that oh-so-beautiful sea—so many lives and stories and regrets and pleasures await in the Greece of Kronos.
Kronos abounds in the ups and downs of modern Greek happenings, including its Civil War after World War II’s Nazi Occupation and the right-wing junta rule of the colonels 1967-1974. After the ending of Kronos’ story in 1975, life continued to have its ravages in Greece—economic problems reflected in the European Community, a huge influx of Arab refugees after the Iraqi and other Mideast wars, and devastating wildfires on Greek mountainsides and islands due to climate change.
But Greeks through the millennia have been strong and resilient, not just on the mainland and islands but in their diaspora. Like characters in Kronos, three million of Greek ancestry live not only in the United States but all over the world, including 400,000 in Melbourne, Australia. Kronos captures and helps us share their lust for life.
This digital edition is the first time this novel has been published in the United States. But it was published in 1991 in London by Andre Deutsch and in paperback in London by Arrow in 1993. Kronos was translated into Greek in 2021 and subsequently published in Athens. I researched and wrote the book when I lived in Greece—Athens, Nauphlion, and Syros—for four years in the 1980s. You might ask, so what was it like? It inspired Kronos! ~ Laurie Devine, Author

Your Invitation
Coming in 2024
The Devine Sagas
THE FIVE family sagas, written with passion and insight, offer a contemporary novelist’s answer to Freud’s famous question: “What do women want?”
Throughout the developing and Western world, we women want justice, love, equality, happiness and lives of integrity and wishes fulfilled. That’s all? Do they—do we?—get it? My stories tell the tales.
The women whose fictional stories I’ve shared frankly may not always get what they—and we—want. But what these characters and we readers do get are fascinating lives of adventure and passion; love in many forms; a role in determining some of the great questions of our time, and—frankly—wonderful and delightful stories that illuminate our worlds and make us happier to be alive.
These five novels all rest soundly on history and are fictional stories modeled on the lives of real people—especially women of the developing world—and aim to tell deep, deeper, deepest truths behind headlines. Their blood and guts are reflections of real human suffering. So are their heartfelt emotions of love, shame, hate, healing, and forgiveness, which lie at the birth of history.
Three are set in the Mideast, in Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. Two are in the eastern Mediterranean—Greece and Cyprus. Some of the characters are American or British. But what sets these books apart is their emphasis on women’s truths, especially the daily lives of women who may live in poverty, who endure family and societal oppression, and yet may become heroes. The men they love—their partners, sons, brothers, fathers, friends and neighbors—are often dreams come true.
I used my background as a journalist, foreign correspondent, and graduate student in politics and international affairs to probe and understand issues that I believe matter. In addition, as an anthropologist might do primary research, I lived and worked in villages and urban settings throughout the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean and also researched academic articles (especially village studies) which I found deeply fascinating.
Then I wrote what I believe are compelling stories which capture real lives of real people.
I wrote this series of stand-alone novels fifty years ago, and when I reread them this year prior to these digital publications, I wondered if they would withstand the test of time. And I thought they did! As a writer now in my late seventies, I marvel at how passionate a writer I was in my twenties! I can’t write like that anymore. My voice as a writer now is more reflective, perhaps more gentle and caressive, certainly more forgiving, yet maybe sadder.
But once I wrote, and lived, like the women heroes whose stories I tell. How grateful I am to have lived in a time where women have dared to do so much and succeeded with such grace and vim and vigor.
These stories are really your stories. About you and me. And our sisters in spirit.
~ Laurie Devine
Laurie Devine
Laurie Devine is an award-winning novelist and journalist who specializes in best-selling family sagas which tell the stories of developing world women of passion and integrity. Her U.S. publisher is Simon & Schuster, but Andre Deutsch Publishers in London made her an international best-selling novelist with a reputation for riveting storytelling in exotic Mideast and Greek contemporary worlds. Born in Pennsylvania, she has spent much of her life living in Europe and the Middle East and now has settled in Mexico. She holds B.A.s from Penn State and an M.A. in theology from the University of San Francisco. Laurie was a foreign correspondent in Cario, acting bureau chief at Time Magazine in London, a columnist for The Boston Globe, and news producer for WBZ-TV in Boston.
In mid-life, she earned an M.A. in theology and served as a hospice chaplain, providing end-of-life care to 10,000 dying patients and their families in Phoenix. She is a Secular Franciscan and spiritual director. Laurie is currently writing a mystery novel about Francis of Assisi, set during the Fifth Crusade in 1220. Rumi, the Persian mystic and poet is involved.